Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Modernity and Christianity

I remember when I read Paul Tillich's "The History of Christian Thought" I was struck immediately by a quotation, one that I can no longer find, where he points to both the establishment of democracies and the advancement of science as a positive result of the Enlightement. He found it strange that how Christians reacted so strongly against these which were generally good.

I find myself agreeing with him on this. Despite being a John Milbank fan and being highly influenced by Theology and Social Theory I disagree with the two-cities dialect inherited from Augustine and interpreted against modernity. I am starting to drift toward the Tillich camp in the belief that we need a different Method of Correlation to account for the relation between Christianity and Modernity. But unlike Tillich, who identified as an existentialist-Christian, I identify more with a narrative Anabaptist position tempered by a missional impulse.

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