Friday, June 11, 2010

Theology as Lover

How are we to understand theology?

I ask this partially out of experience of people being adamantly against the discourse where I love it. One understanding that really captures me is Paul Tillich's in the History of Christian Thought where he describes the relationship between Theology and Scripture as Theology penetrating scripture. When I read that line the image immediately evoked is one a diver diving into water, that's what a theologian does to scripture making sense of by diving through it, swimming and exploring all it's details and basqueing in it's temperature.

Another image I had is theology as lover, lover on the scriptural text. It is not identical to the text, but it loves it. It serves it, it courts it, it has fights with it, it reconciles with it, it swoons over it, it gets confused over it, it desires it and it dreams about it. It hopes to produce something out of the relationship, and hopes the relationship last long.

What do you think?

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