Monday, October 26, 2009


Occasionally I like to take two concepts and, for a lack of a better word, breed them. Thus this little thought, this small theoretical experiment.

Social networking (Facebook etc) meets finances (banking).


- If you join a cause on facebook, you could also donate to it there and then
- you could, out of the joy of your heart, give all your friends on facebook .50 cents each
- on 'marketplace' type apps you could order things
- you could update your status: need 20$ for concert this saturday... and maybe might lend you or give you money
- perhaps some sort of application where you can also invest in businesses or even friends ideas
- perhaps create between a group of people a 'war chest' type of thing


- easy way for charities, grass roots politicians and other causes to raise money
- great way to be a support/ find support from friends
- finances beginning looking more like Village Banking and other microfinancial institutions.. which would be an interesting experience in the west
- finances are based more and more on friends and community then on big banks and credit institutions

OF COURSE it might be difficult to set up but I think if it was it would be a pretty interesting and very experimental as well as fruitful ground for building relationships and practicing generosity and experiencing creativity.

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