Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Churches as Microcredit lending groups?

Andrew Jones recently posted on his predictions about the church in the next ten years here.

This relates directly to my previous posts on co-operatives and facebanking. It got me to thinking: how can the Church financially aide it's community? How can we back this up theologically or, maybe, missiologically? I know that this is a very similar idea to what the Mennonites are doing, a institution I will be attaching myself to when it opens its membership to non-members of Mennonite churches in May.

I wonder how this look like in Evangelical or mainline churches. I can see Evangelical churches becoming interested out of a desire to reach people and so to fund their member's entreprenuership if it relates to evangelism. I can also see that Mainline churches would fund different types of social justive iniatives, although what kind I am not sure.

Then there are megachurches. Churches with a thousand(s) of people might utilize this, if they do it can be an explosion of creativity. Of course it could also cause the churches to change focus in a negative way and will also force some churches to change their legal organizational structure but it could really make an impact.

Finally there is the question of denominations. These churches who choose the route of ministering through micro-finance have the choice of either doing so with a denomination or doing it at a local level. Both would have their advantages but both would have their disadvantages as well.

What do you think? Good idea, bad idea? How will it play out? What opportunities would this give to the church?

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