Saturday, July 4, 2009

Canadian Maglev

A few years ago researchers in Japan set the world record for fastest speed for a high-speed train at over 550 km/hr. Liberal leader Micheal Ignatieff has suggested that if he go elected he would build one of these high-speed trains (maybe even Maglev) from Quebec-city to Windsor, Calgary to Edmonton and maybe even one from Victoria, BC. to Edmonton.

Now this idea is at the root of my recent posts dealing with Canada, that and Canada day a few days ago, so I've been chewing on it a lot.

What do you think about? If it regularly goes approx. 500 km/hr that would mean you could get from Windsor to Toronto in about 45 minutes.

Is it a good idea?

1 comment:

  1. It is important to consider the dangers of anything travelling at such a high speed. Most especially when that thing is crafted by man.

    And will the current numbers for train accidents increase with the increase in speed?
    Seems dangerous to me. But perhaps people consider the risk worth it when comparing it to the time they save.
