Monday, September 21, 2009

Sacrament and Symbol

What is the difference between sacrament and symbol?

I've been thinking about this a bit lately, specifically in relation to communion but also in regards to other thing. A lot of continental philosophy talks about symbols and culture, and the interplay between the two is interesting but I'm wondering if Sacraments need to be add to the discussion.

I am not talking about 'official' sacraments here, but the idea that presence of the sacred can be actual in the physical.

Why doesn't continental philosophy starting talking about a sacramentality? In a sense it has already begun with the work of Derria and the Deconstructionists in an apophatic way. The critique of the metaphysics of presence has the flavours of a via negativa project. But what if we viewed that critique as more of the return of sacramentality?

I'll be honest, I do not have academic background on deconstruction but it interests me what I know or think I know and understand.

Anyways that's my incoherent rant. If this makes sense to you please tell me.

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